Agency-Industry Partner Rolodex

Logo images for sponsoring organizations

Agency and Industry connections strengthen ties between the people who make successful conservation partnerships work – the manufacturers that pay excise taxes on Sporting Arms, ammunition, archery and angling equipment and a fuel tax, and the state and federal agencies that conserve fish, wildlife and habitat and provide outdoor opportunities across the country.  Building and strengthening partnerships among these three groups is essential to achieving both the short- and long-term fish and wildlife conservation goals for our country.

This searchable database is available to agency and industry partners to enhance connections and improve communications throughout the partnership.  The contacts provided in this database can be used in many ways.  States that are dedicating new WSFR-funded projects, hosting state business summits, or holding other upcoming events can quickly locate and invite industry partners to participate.  The database may assist in hosting events held around the country that are designed to connect state and industry partners where they work and live. Industry partners, who often have questions about specific state regulations and statutes that may impact their business, will have easy access through the database to the agency personnel who have knowledge of those issues.  This database was funded by Multistate Conservation Grant F22AP00620.